July 3 - We joined the Cunningham and DiNatale families for some movie nights this summer. We watched the "Pirates of the Caribbean" movies and enjoyed some great food and fellowship!
July 12 - Family Fun Night at Southgate lived up to its name this year. The team gathered for an evening of games, food, and swimming at the pool.
July 17 - We spent a week fostering a dog named Abby. She was a cute little retriever mix, very similar in coloring to our dog Sugar. Abby is the one lower in the picture. Sometimes it was difficult to tell them apart! Shannon did a great job helping to take care of Abby during her stay with us.
July 18 - While announcing at the swim meet, David wore both Mardi Gras beads and his sports hat--mixed themes going on there.
After the swim meet we headed over to San Francisco Japan Center to celebrate Joshua's 16th birthday. He had invited Joshua and Zach Cunningham to join the family. Here is a picture of the two Joshuas at the entrance.
Practicing with chop sticks.
July 24 - The day before Champs was full of fun and team SPIRIT! The swimmers gathered around the pool for games, crafts, and poster-making. Shannon helped make blue & silver wreaths for the ladies.
July 25 - The big day arrived...Championships! All season the kids worked hard to swim their best at the biggest swim meet of the year. Over 1200 swimmers race all day, each trying their best for the gold medals. Here is a picture of Joshua pulling himself out of the water after one of his races.
Shannon received her ribbons for a great job at Champs.
Joshua was proud of his participation award ribbon as well.
July 26 - Shannon and her friend Helen head off for a week of summer camp at Koinonia. She was sooo excited!
After a fantastic week at camp, Shannon and Alaina wait for their rides home. "Is it over already?"